Sunday, 13 July 2014

Saving You Money on Private Label Water Bottles

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When ordering for any event, be it business or personal, it’s important to consider how much your water bottles are going to cost per person. With that in mind, here are some ways we make our private label water as cost effective as possible.

First, we allow you to design your own labels. We can certainly create a custom label if you like, but we encourage you to submit your own artwork to us if you are looking for a small budget solution. If you are ordering on behalf of a company and they have an art department, assign them the task of designing the custom bottle labels for your order. If you are ordering for a personal event, you can keep all the fun for yourself; designing your own labels can be a great creative outlet!

Next, we allow low minimum orders. This is a wonderful advantage for anyone who is ordering for a small event where there will only be a limited number of people in attendance. After all, there’s no reason why you should be forced to order hundreds of private label water bottles if all you really need is a few dozen. Allowing customers to make low minimum orders is another great way we can help you save.

Finally, we can help you save money by offering you different sizes. When you order bottled water with a private label, you can choose from sizes ranging from:

  • 8 oz.
  • 12 oz.
  • 16.9 oz.
  • 20 oz.
  • 23.7 oz.
  • 33.8 oz.

With us, you get to decide how much water your guests will need; this helps you manage costs much more effectively. As you can see, there are many different ways Riviera Beverages can help you save money on water with custom bottle labels. If you have any questions about an order before placing it, please don’t hesitate to ask us on Facebook or Twitter!


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